Nothing can be done to cure Bell's Palsy, but measures can be taken to lessen continued damage and aid in the healing of the nerve. Most cases are treated with a corticosteroid to reduce inflammation and the affected eye must be protected to prevent damage to the cornea and/or loss of sight due to the eye's inability to blink or close to hydrate and protect itself. Zinc and a high potency B-complex supplement (with B1, B6 and B12) provides increased circulation (to prevent muscle atrophy) and critical nerve nutrition, and encourages nerve repair and growth. Diet can also play a role in recovery, by eating foods high in B vitamins* and foods that help to reduce inflammation, and by avoiding processed foods and oils that have Trans Fats and Omega-6 fatty acids - all of which cause inflammation.
Note: I am by no means an expert on Bell's Palsy...I've just had it for a week and done some research. The following links are my sources for this information and I recommend them for learning more about Bell's Palsy:
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