I woke up with burning eyes and my tongue stuck to the roof of my mouth. It felt like I had burned it. I asked a coworker that day if he'd ever burned his tongue with curry - because that's what I'd eaten for dinner the night before and I'd gone to bed without brushing my teeth. It hurt, and I couldn't taste...or things tasted strange and bland and metallic-like. I had a bad headache all day, particularly on the right upper side, behind my right ear, below my right jaw, and the back right of my neck. I found it difficult to eat, but wasn't quite sure why, so I just gave up and didn't finish my dinner. Things tasted strange/bad and my mouth just seemed too tired to keep eating, even though I was hungry. As the day progressed, I felt more rotten and achy. I assumed I must be getting the virus that had been going around and I went to bed early.
This is a personal journal of my Bell's Palsy journey. I just needed a place where I could track my recovery, but if any of it proves to be helpful to others, I am grateful. Nothing on this site is intended to be medical advice. If you suspect you have Bell's Palsy, seek medical attention immediately. There are many other more serious causes of facial paralysis, which must be ruled out by a physician. Early treatment may lessen the severity of symptoms and aid in faster recovery.